New to forest management?
If you are a new landowner or own woodlands but have never worked with a forest professional, we recommend scheduling a walk and talk with your District Forester. Maine Forest Service District Foresters offer free visits to landowners interested in learning more about forest management and woodland stewardship. Contact a district forester to start on your rewarding path of forest stewardship.
Become a Recognized Tree Farmer
To qualify for the Tree Farm Program, your woodland must:
- Be 10 acres or larger.
- Have a written Forest Management Plan that meets the American Tree Farm Standards of Sustainability.
- Be Sustainably managed for timber and other forest products while recognizing the importance of water, wildlife, and recreation.

Tree Farmers manage their forests according to a plan based on their goals. Once you are a Tree Farmer, a professional forester will periodically inspect your woodlot and ensure that you meet the American Tree Farm Standards of Sustainability. A Tree Farm inspection serves the multiple goals of providing the Tree Farmer with on-the-ground assistance, reviewing the plan and management activities, and helping Tree Farmers meet the Tree Farm Standard.
Are you ready to become a Tree Farmer? Please complete a Maine Tree Farm Interest Form; we can help get you started. You can also contact your County Chair directly or ask your consulting forester if they are a Tree Farm Inspector.